Sunday, November 30, 2008

this stupidity reminds me of you

How yall have stayed alive THIS long and gotten away with any of this murderous activity is beyond me.

I kinda think yall woulda shot yourselves in the foot on the way to set the gun down so you could snatch the candy from a baby.

Biker, what's that; your grammy (LOL more like your younger sister) over there on Lamar???? So .. wow, what's that? TYING YOU DIRECTLY TO A MURDER WITNESS WHO WON'T STEP FORWARD.

Dazzle me with your driving. Baffle me with your .... E V E R Y L I T T L E T H I N G.

Yall actually believe that shit I talk about when I know you're a click behind me online and on my phone.

As evidenced by # 8 BOTH firetrucks at westshore and boyscout because I mentioned on the phone that I was going to both malls. FIrst one and then the other.

Wow. Man. You guys should get some kind of stalking award.

Maybe the .... sTALKSCAR???

IDIOTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MORE on Gang Stalking in America and Elsewhere

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