Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Oh and I'm psychic

I've posted before on tampas back door about the 'neighbor' schmeck who has his little git relatives and slaves damage my car.

I have now been able to PREDICT when this man will take a walk. Woke up the other morning. Hopped in car, take it for a drive. Making odd noise. Here comes the dickhead across his property to make sure I see him and picks up a stick. Course he had to pass a # of other sticks to do so which is what makes this so obvious.

Luckily that same morning I made a videotape prediction (third or fourth one) that I would see him taking a walk close to me because he had one of his biker pals do something to my car. And, he did not disappoint.

So, today I took ME a little walksie by his cheaply built (color-coded) chateau and said a pleasant good morning. I like to look him right in the eye,(into the abyss) but he's slippery --- only managed to do this twice in over a year or more. He likes to send his scary boys around instead. LOL !!!! Got lots of footage of that, too. He offered to buy my house. Yep. Him and the other that does all the property damage. They're all hooked up. Do you smell RICO?? YEAH BABY.

Anyhoo --- whoever the fuck is scared of this dude is a serious pussy. You really are.
Ya could blow him over without much trouble. For sure I know fifteen people who could whip his ass with a hand behind them. Perhaps this is why he victimizes women, children and the elderly.

I know he reads Tampas back door because he fucked with my car the day after I mentioned him. So, I'll be looking for some activity from he and his firemen and moroso buddies. Not to mention the bikers and etc.....

As well, someone sprayed my fence with nasty while I was out walking the dog for a bare two blocks or four square. Which pretty much narrows this down to the swine next door, HIM, the other swine, or the Green Party members who throng across the way. I know they'd like to blame it on the Latinos down the block but this was going on before those people got there and I like the one kid and feel sorry for the other one .....

Anyway --- I just about have tied everyone in that little section to the RICO now. It's just a matter of deciding when I noticed it. Lot hinges on that. AND, believe it or not -- there are those I must protect. Some of my high-school friends are in on this. Hell, some of my grade school friends are. Some of these people's parents knew my own mama. Some probably participated in killing half my family. Still, there's a loyalty. I had some good years in Tampa so ... it's decision time.

Anyway ---- FUCK YOU BUDDY. Swim for it, bitch.

We'll call him Mike the nude stalker

Here he is. Next in the lineup will be someone more ... interesting.

They know what they can say and how to say it to stay within the law. Not only that they have the Police Dept on their side. AND the Fire Dept who are supposed to be responsible for monitoring sexual offenders. hmmmmmmmmmmmm. They monitor them right in to your life. So, they can play their games. And so can everyone else. Look at this guy.

Would you think it's healthy that he (HE"S HUGE) is standing nude with a CHILD discussing plans, movies, broken legs and such???? Yeah, I thought it was kinda sick too. The video is online now, by the way. Tampa Cops stalk Tampa's Back Door. I haven't linked it yet but I might. You're free to search it out. Listen carefully because THE KEY is in the first seven words.

Here's his car in case you ever see him around you'll know he has a history of making time with minors and attempting to threaten their family members through the minor.

And he knows enough about the Tampa Fire Dept that he works in tandem with them to intimidate my family. I have various photos of people who have followed me along this same venue and path. They try this disappearing act but behind them the stupid motherfuckers left SOLID PROOF of what they are doing and how they link together with those in my own hood.

Understand, they wanted to do this. I was just a chick living my life. Still am.

These "MEN" and their women counterparts felt that I should just let them stalk, harass and intimidate me and do nothing. Figured there was nothing I COULD do. Well there is.

Here's one of them. Another is so stupid he proved my case for me.

What next??????

What more do you want to fucking LIGHT UP about Tampa before you just back OFF?

I told you put my stuff back. I told you leave me alone for sixty days. You could do neither of these simple things. Why? Because you don't have any balls or integrity. You thought that JUST LIKE YOU I would find a way to screw you over so you felt a hard line was a better way to deal with me.


People who follow me and those I love

This is the beginning of what I felt should happen all along. It'll be an easy documentation trail of how the same people show up day after day and stalk those I love and myself. Some of these people will then quickly disappear but what you're ALSO going to see is that some of them are quite deeply rooted here in Tampa. Their parents are involved in the school system, they are employees of places like the Y, the library, the Fire Dept. etc....

Everywhere I go there will be one of those faces glaring at me.

In the fresh market the other day (yeah the one on henderson that's sposed to be such a feel-good place) the guy actually said to me (in perfect knowledge of course that I had my tire flattened AGAIN what's this the fifteenth one in two months??? LOL)

Anyway, although I looked smoking (if I must say so myself) he said, "you look like you've had a rough morning." LOL !!! They've missed the boat here because they've said this so many times and I DO have a mirror at home. So, whatever.
The guy was really pushing me to try a wine sample but it's EXTREMELY easy to poison a person with wine (still have the cup from the first time I was poisoned) and coffee so at the last second I 'changed my mind'. He still pushed but I smiled and said no and watched his hope die. Too bad he's on the dark side: he's a nice enough looking guy with a carnival barker(but softer) personality that just makes you smile.

When we went in the store there were no samples out but suddenly there was a sample EVERYWHERE we turned. WOW, it was most inspiring. BUT, I was poisoned by the sample-witch at publix once. Yes, honestly she really DOES look like a witch. You see her pedalling madly down Himes and I just call her the poisoning-lady right to her face. Poor thing. She bought the farm a long time back. It's not her looks that make her witchy ... it's something else. We make that wicked witch sound from OZ whenever we see her. LOL !! No license, just a bike like so many of the others. Tags make it too easy to turn them in ... LOL. That's okay, I wait til I collect enough stuff and then make a file. I understood very early that the FDLE was not a partner in anti-crime. LOL !!!!
BUT, this first person here is chosen especially because he is the one who always follows up the Tampa firemen lately.

It's like this: Firemen or Cops or both -- then the perverts --- then the bikers -- then sometimes some regular but strange citizens. Then back to the Firemen ---- you get the picutre.

This guy has a special distinction because his activity was directed (IN THE NUDE) towards a minor. Also it's helpful that this is the card I happen to have with me and it's disgusting and it's also making me wonder AGAIN (with all the Fire Dept activity around me today heart attacks to the left and to the right of me here I am stuck in the middle with you) WHAT is the connection between these fucking perverts, the YMCA, the Tampa Firemen and the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS?? Is the Republican Party and the Tampa Firemen and the YMCA just one big cover-up for pedophiles??? Seriously??
It IS starting to lean that way.

My boyfriend has LONG encouraged me to post these pictures. Today I finally realized that maybe this would help someone else. Surely these guys don't just get to follow ME around. I'm too easy. Surely they have MORE to do. If you recognize any of these people, give a holler. They are stalkers. They should be in jail.