Saturday, November 22, 2008

givin ya what ya want

Wow, either yall REALLY don't want that boy's picture online (simple he could have stayed at home) or you don't like that we're going to investigate how buddy gee got to be sheriff through gee buddy or ummmmm moving up the qualifying date .... AND you don't like how we're showing how you're murdering people for their property.
OKay... well, none of those are going to stop and we have something new for you besides posing your boy's video. We see you keep it up with our family members and while we wouldn't even consider stooping to your lowlife level we think we have something that will sink below your collar bone. Just bear with. I mean the star-electricity didn't throw us THAT FAR off. About ten minutes. BUT, there are other things that we want to do first. LMAO. Wait for it.

You think you and your star have it all locked down. Not so fast.

MORE on Gang Stalking in America and Elsewhere

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